About Us

Carson's Corner is a boutique jewelry and accessories brand. Our customer is classy, fashion forward and confident.

Inspired by a legacy of entrepreneurship, Renee and L’Oreal provide options for men and women who like to express themselves by accessorizing. They look to the example of their grandmother, Clarice Carson Nicholson for education acknowledging service to the customer as the number one priority.

Grandma Clarice was a dynamic force, loved by everyone who crossed her path. She was a savvy businesswoman with a big heart. As a child, Renee and L’Oreal worked in her grandmother's toy store. During the summers they helped her with vending events and festivals throughout Ohio. As a teen, L’Oreal worked at her mother's New York City store. Renee's father was also in sales and distribution. Entrepreneurship is in their blood.

Grandma Clarice stressed the importance of providing quality products and most importantly superior customer service. She treated customers as family.

Renee and L’Oreal recall their grandmother's lessons on providing customers great products and treating them with kindness, respect and appreciation.

The women hope to honor her grandmother's memory by earning your business for many years to come. Thank you in advance for your support.